1. Best Motivational Quote in a Keynote Message
“Choose your attitude for the day”
Steve Gilliland – “HIDE YOUR GOAT” KEYNOTE
Steve Gilliland’s keynote speech focused on how to stay positive when surrounded by negative. Named as a Top Ten Motivational Speaker, Steve used humor and touching stories to bring his message home. Steve can be found at www.stevegilliland.com and on Instagram, Facebook and a variety of other social media outlets.
2. Best Tip for Facilities Management
“Don’t be afraid to re-evaluate and adjust”
Frank Muraca, president of arch consultants
One of the first sessions at Leading Age Illinois was appropriately titled “Best Practices in Facilities Management”. The key message revolved around the PIVOT – in other words, don’t be afraid to course-correct. At face value, this could apply to just about any daily struggle a Facilities Manager faces, like a lock that constantly alarms because it wasn’t installed correctly or a smoke alarm that continually chirps. In a broader scale, the “re-evalute” approach applies to every one of us who faces technology challenges. ClearPath Connections, for example, often consults with community leadership teams to re-evaluate and adjust the technology mix, whether it is improving on current solutions or advising a full rip and replace.
The speaker also emphasized the value of Preventative Maintenance Plans, citing the following benefits:
- Increase asset’s “useful life”
- Minimize reactive repairs
- Boost efficiency
ClearPath understands the investment you made in these technologies, and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can assist in ensuring that those investments make it to end of life.
3. Best Advice for Quality of Life – and What’s Next
“Allow seniors to self-select genuine experiences & passions
as heard in “clean slate project: envisioning a new future” session
There are four “Macro Shocks” that are happening (or about to) that SCL’s need to understand:
- The “Tech Age”: Technology as a CAREGIVER is here! Does your community have a Chief Technical Officer?
- Aging in the Community: new trends include the “Village Movement” and Co-housing
- The “Third Act” is replacing retirement: seniors are either not leaving the workforce, or are volunteering, moving, and/or practicing better self-care.
- Paradigm shock: SLC’s facing workforce pressure, image problems
Communities that embrace trends can thrive. Think “Centers for Creative Living” and “Vertical Main Streets”. Consider “Lifepod homes”, which are affordable and customizable. Seniors (not the only generation) are trading STUFF for EXPERIENCES. What about matching residents in like-minded groups, much like college roomates self-select for compatibility?
This session was sponsored by Sawgrass Partners, Zigler Financial Underwriters and Perkins Eastman Architects.
- The Clean Slate Project – download here from Perkins Eastman Architects
- Oak Hammock – University of Florida’s Life Plan Retirement Community (noted for embracing these new trends) click to view website
4. Best Marketing Advice (a philosophy, really)
“You can’t be all things to all people, but you CAN be the RIGHT things to the RIGHT people”
as shared by love & company – marketing & sales in the new reality session
ClearPath lives by this advice…4 years ago, we decided to strategically focus on the senior living space. Which proved to be a great decision. The communities we serve, our partners…the RIGHT people…hear our message loud and clear.
What are your thoughts? Share away!